Consultant Specialist Orthodontist with over 25 years' experience

For an orthodontist Marylebone, come to Orthodontist London!

For an orthodontist Marylebone, come to Orthodontist London!

When you have misaligned teeth, an orthodontist Marylebone is just who you need; and what better place to come than to Orthodontist London? We have a wide range of treatments that will help your smile look aesthetically pleasing, as well as ensuring that it functions as it needs for you to chew and speak properly.

Our orthodontist Marylebone, Mary Lo, has been treating patients for over 25 years; she is a consultant and specialist orthodontist who will be able to advise you on the treatment options that are right for your specific requirements. All you need to do is to book in for an initial consultation to have your mouth examined, including X-rays if needed, before starting your journey with us. You will then have the opportunity to discuss your concerns and find out what the treatment options are. At Orthodontist London, we have an extensive range of treatments that use bespoke, cutting-edge technology. Getting a smile with us should be comfortable and as time efficient as possible.


One of our treatments that we offer for mild to moderate alignment issues is Invisalign. This consists of transparent plastic aligners that are worn over your teeth, so only your teeth should be noticeable. With these virtually invisible aligners, you can have the confidence to wear them for the required 22 hours a day, and have time to remove them for meals, cleaning your teeth and anything else you fancy - the choice is yours!

The bespoke aligners are made using an iTero digital scan, which obtains the precise measurements of your mouth. From this, we will also be able to present an animation of how amazing your smile will look after your treatment is completed, before you’ve even started wearing your aligners. This will give you a clear image of what your smile will be like and should make the process even more exciting!

As you wear your aligners, they will apply pressure to the teeth to gradually manoeuvre them into the correct position. You will need to change aligners every couple of weeks, and we will provide you with 6 weeks’ worth of aligners. After this, you will then need to come and see us for a check up and that’s it!


Some patients will require fixed braces and we understand that this may be why you haven’t pursued getting braces before. However, another one of our treatment options that may be suitable for you is Incognito. This brace system has wires and brackets, however, they are placed on the back of your teeth, so nobody can see them when you smile or speak. The only person who will know that you have a fixed brace is you! You should also find Incognito is very comfortable as the brackets won’t be able to rub against the inside of your lips.

Prepare to be amazed!

There’s no need for smoke and mirrors here at Orthodontist London, but you should be amazed by the range of treatment options that we can offer to ensure that you get exactly what you need to get a great smile that functions to its optimum performance. Come and meet our friendly team and together we can choose the best treatment for you!