Consultant Specialist Orthodontist with over 25 years' experience
Mary has regular clinics at:
44 Wimpole Street,
London W1G 8SA
and at:
4 Wrights Lane,
London W8 6TE
Please call 020 7129 7878
Now that you have your braces, how do you take care of them? It is important for you to know how to properly take care of your braces throughout your entire orthodontic treatment.
True orthodontic emergencies are rare, but when they occur we are available to you. As a general rule, you should email or call when you experience severe pain or have a painful appliance problem you can't take care of yourself. You might be surprised to learn that you can temporarily solve many problems.
We are more than happy to answer any of your questions or concerns about life with braces. Refer to the following sections for more information, and call us if you have any questions! We are all in this together!
Don't worry, you will be eating normally again in no time! However, before you can start enjoying some of the treats you love, you will need to take special care to avoid any foods that could damage your new braces. There aren’t too many restrictions on what you can and can’t eat while having orthodontic treatment but there are a few guidelines you should follow:
When you first get your braces, you may notice that your teeth and mouth feel a little tender or sore. This is perfectly normal and will usually last for a 4 to 5 days. You can alleviate your discomfort by taking mild to moderate analgesia such as Paracetamol. It is also not uncommon for your lips, cheeks, and tongue to become irritated for one to two weeks as they toughen and become used to the braces. This tenderness can be minimised by putting wax over the braces. If the wax is accidentally swallowed, don’t worry as it is harmless. If you need more wax, please contact.
If your teeth begin feeling a little loose, don't worry; this is normal! Your braces must first loosen your teeth to move them into the right position. Once your teeth have been repositioned, they will no longer be loose.
The wires and bands on your braces may come loose or poking. If this happens, please contact us as soon as possible so that we can check and repair your appliance. If any piece of your braces comes off, be sure to save it and bring it with you as some parts can be reused.
You can temporarily fix the loose wire by carefully and gently push the wire back into place. If the loose wire is causing irritation to your lips or cheeks, put wax over the broken wire to relieve the pain.
Damaged braces can increase the length of your treatment process, so be sure to take care of all your braces. Allowing your braces to remain damaged for an extended period of time may disrupt your treatment plan. Your teeth and jaw can only move into their correct positions if you consistently wear the rubber bands, headgear, retainer, or other braces prescribed.
Game, Set, Match and great news for athletes! You can still play sports even while undergoing orthodontic treatment! If you do play sports, it is recommended that you wear a mouthguard to protect your teeth and your braces.
In case of a sports emergency, be sure to check your mouth and braces for damage immediately. If you notice any loose teeth or braces damage, please contact us right away.
It is very important that you continue to visit your family dentist once every six months, even during your orthodontic treatment, for teeth cleanings and routine dental checkups.