Consultant Specialist Orthodontist with over 25 years' experience

How can wearing braces help you?

How can wearing braces help you?

Patients may be surprised to learn that wearing braces Marylebone offers a lot more rewards than just the cosmetic benefits of straightening a smile. Dentists recommend teeth straightening treatments to correct impairments in dental function and boost dental health.

Tooth and jaw development problems begin in childhood which is why it is more common to find children wearing braces Marylebone. But it is never too late for orthodontic care to improve bite function or make oral hygiene obligations more efficient.

At Orthodontist London, we have a professionally-trained dental practitioner well-experienced in diagnosing issues requiring orthodontic help and implementing treatment with the use of braces Marylebone to correct them.

Adult patients who worry about the embarrassment of having to wear tooth-correcting devices need not fear. Modern orthodontics at our practice offer a variety of teeth straightening tools including those that are discreet to wear so that patients can take every opportunity to protect their dental health and function.

In this post, we outline some of the important ways wearing braces can help you.

Reasons why patients wear braces

Tooth and jaw misalignment can result in dental pain and discomfort. Headaches and pain resulting from biting and chewing and speaking are a challenge to deal with. Wearing braces can correct issues including temporomandibular joint disorders (TMD) and provide patients with relief from discomfort. Nothing can hinder concentration and focus quite like dental and facial pain.

Brace treatments can help correct spacing issues. Spaces between teeth are unsightly and common issues that ruin the look of a smile. It is often the case that people with gap-toothed smiles feel insecure and awkward about smiling. To help these patients gain their confidence back, our orthodontist recommends wearing braces to minimise these gaps.

Patients with misaligned bites are well aware of the challenges this type of dental problem can cause. Misaligned bites impact the bite force during masticatory function. Improper bite function puts undue pressure on certain teeth which increases the risk of wear and tear on these teeth. Wearing braces can save teeth from damage and improve masticatory function for a more efficient digestive process.

Dental misalignment issues are more commonly known for ruining smiles and the attempts to clean teeth, but we find they can also be the cause of breathing problems. When teeth are not aligned correctly, this condition can get in the way of the tongue, forcing the person to breathe from their mouth instead of their nose. Sleep apnoea and snoring are two common issues we come across connected with this dental situation. Braces can improve the way these patients breathe by creating more space in the mouth for the tongue to relax.

Overcrowding is another orthodontic issue that poses a great risk to dental health. Overcrowding creates an ideal environment in the mouth for bad bacteria to grow. This is because the dental condition makes it very difficult to keep teeth clean. Braces can reposition teeth to even out the dental arch to make brushing and flossing more productive.

There are many ways wearing braces can help you improve dental function and protect oral health. Whether it is for a better-looking smile or to find relief from dental pain, a consultation with our experienced orthodontist in London can help you find the most efficacious treatment plan to suit you.