Consultant Specialist Orthodontist with over 25 years' experience

Lingual braces Marylebone for discreet teeth straightening

Lingual braces Marylebone for discreet teeth straightening

More and more adults are looking to straighten their teeth thanks to the introduction and establishment of invisible braces Marylebone. There are many different types of invisible braces including fixed metal braces that are hidden from sight or clear plastic aligners for minor or moderate issues. If you have complex orthodontic issues then fixed braces are the most suitable option for you, however, you may be wary about drawing further attention to your mouth so speak to our orthodontist and find out about invisible braces Marylebone.

What are lingual braces

A popular form of invisible braces Marylebone consists of lingual braces. Here at our practice we like to use Incognito lingual braces. They are a type of hidden braces that are fitted on the inside of your teeth. They are highly discreet and cannot be seen when your mouth is closed. They are similar to traditional braces in that they are made of brackets and wires that run through them. They also have tiny elastics to hold the wire in place, but they are almost invisible.

First you will need to attend a consultation with our orthodontist London. You will undergo a check-up and we can discuss the problems that are affecting your teeth. Not every case is suitable for Incognito braces Marylebone and if so we will discuss the other options that are available for you. By visiting our surgery you will get to find out all your options as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each of the different types of braces and we will let you know which one is best for you. If Incognito lingual braces are suitable for you then we will take some photos of your teeth as well as X-rays and maybe an intraoral scan and send these to the Incognito lab who will manufacture the braces for you. The braces are custom-made so they take a few weeks to return to the practice and we will call you back in for your fitting.

Learn more about Incognito

Incognito braces are made of a gold alloy. This means that they are more expensive than traditional braces, however, with Incognito you can undergo teeth straightening at your discretion. There are different types of Incognito braces. The full version goes around all of your teeth so it covers from molars to molars or the Incognito Lite version which is designed to straighten your front 6 teeth. Whether you undergo the full treatment or the Lite treatment depends on your individual dental requirements .

Most patients report that it takes a maximum of 5 to 7 days to become accustomed to the feeling of the braces inside your mouth. It is important that you visit the dentist more regularly as bacteria and food particles may become caught up within the brackets and wires because the backs of your teeth can be more difficult to clean. The process will take approximately 12 to 18 months depending on the extent of misalignment that you begin with. Speak to our orthodontist today and find out more about Incognito and other invisible braces for straightening your teeth at your discretion here in Marylebone.